dual citizenship Hong Kong

Hong Kong residents en masse seek dual citizenship for themselves and their families! The case of the 12-year-old girl is an emanation of what has been happening in Hong Kong for the last 1 year. It also answers the question of why the influx of applications for second citizenship inContinue Reading

Hong Kong

According to BBC, “the UK could offer British National (Overseas) passport holders in Hong Kong a path to citizenship if China does not suspend plans for a security law in the territory, Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab says.“. Well, China did approve the security law. Let’s now see the reaction ofContinue Reading

applications for a dual citizenship in Hong Kong

A real “boom” of applications for a dual citizenship in Hong Kong The New Cold War: China vs. Western World After the United States and the United Kingdom, the European Union is now actively involved in the Cold War against China. The reason: the security law that China imposes onContinue Reading