EU Golden Passport

EU Golden Passport = Bulgarian Citizenship by Investments Program 2021 Following the amendments to the Citizenship Act accepted by the Parliament, the Bulgarian citizenship by investment program (CIP) has already been upgraded. What’s more: the Program is better than ever! In addition, the Bulgarian CIP, after the suspension of theContinue Reading

The new 2021 Bulgarian citizenship law

You raze the old to raise the new. Justina Chen Headley Nothing can be better than the new revamped Bulgarian citizenship by investment. More options, more opportunities and even faster processing times. Now Bulgaria is the only feasible option in the EU to obtain fast-track citizenship and Golden Passport. PleaseContinue Reading

open letter Bulgarian citizenship

Below is an open letter to the Bulgarian Parliament regarding the plans to amend the Bulgarian Citizenship by Investment program. The letter is drafted by our dearest Friend, Mr Oleg Sherbakov. We look forward to see his citizenship application being approved soon and will not stop at anything to protectContinue Reading