migrant`s guide world

The migrant’s guide to the world is nothing in common, of course, with the great work of Douglas Adams (The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy). This is a modest attempt to gather the more important moments and terms that would help migrants around the world. We wish you a goodContinue Reading

second citizenship

Sociologists, economists and political scientists agree that today we live in an unstable “risk society”. The processes occurring in the post-Soviet space and the rising trade war between China and the United States, inevitably lead to the fact that wealthy people, seeking to ensure a comfortable and safe future forContinue Reading

регистрация фондация България

Желаещите да извършват дейност с нестопанска цел след разрешение от Министерството на правосъдието имат право да получат виза “Д”. Моля, имайте предвид, че процедурата е сложна и освен услугите на адвокат, който има богат опит в областта, е добре да използвате и услугите на икономист или консултантско дружество, в което работят съответнитеContinue Reading

Recently, one of the largest Russian sites for migration issues, publishes material for Bulgarian Citizenship by Investment Program. For the unfamiliar we will briefly explain. “Citizenship by Investment” is a program available only from several European countries (which can be counted on the fingers of one hand). Bulgaria has beenContinue Reading

Hong Kong - hand

Our representative office in Hong Kong – the legal small print The process of obtaining Bulgarian Citizenship by Investment is comprehensive procedure that requires investment in Bulgarian equities, listed on the Bulgarian stock exchange or in Bulgarian state bonds (ie Eurobonds). In its core, becoming Bulgarian citizen is a processContinue Reading