Violeta Dobrinova - a girl holding Bulgarian passport

The Law on the Bulgarian citizenship in English – now available on our website The Bulgarian citizenship law is the most important legal act that regulates the way Bulgarian citizenship can be acquired. It also regulates the legalities of losing citizenship. The Bulgarian citizenship law is legally binding only inContinue Reading

Bulgarian citizenship oath

Renouncing citizenship to get Bulgarian passport. Legally required, but does it work in real life? Legal analysis of the norm of Art. 12, para. 1, item 6 of the Law on the Bulgarian Citizenship Is it necessary for a non-EU foreigner to renounce his citizenship before being naturalized in Bulgaria? After reading theContinue Reading

girl holding Bulgarian passport

EU citizenship – the most powerful freedom tool in the world There are many ranking methods used to determine the strength of the world’s passports. Most of these methods take in consideration the number of visa-free countries one can visit with particular passport. No matter what these ranking may show,Continue Reading

Bulgarian citizenship - evolution after 2007

December 2021 – update All EU passports are providing virtually identical visa-free travel rights worldwide. And of course – absolutely identical rights within the EU. But why are there more and more wealthy international businessmen, who prefer the Bulgarian passport to any other EU passport? Let’s find out what theContinue Reading