Bulgarian citizenship for children born abroad

Problems with Bulgarian citizenship for children of mixed marriages Naturalisation or registration? Today we will look at a serious problem in the Bulgarian legislation. We will examine the case when a child has parents – a Bulgarian citizen and a foreigner. The child does not acquire Bulgarian citizenship immediately afterContinue Reading

Violeta Dobrinova - a girl holding Bulgarian passport

The Law on the Bulgarian citizenship in English – now available on our website The Bulgarian citizenship law is the most important legal act that regulates the way Bulgarian citizenship can be acquired. It also regulates the legalities of losing citizenship. The Bulgarian citizenship law is legally binding only inContinue Reading

Citizenship vs Subjection

Have we benefited from the “evolution” of the “Law of Bulgarian subjection” from 1940 to the current “Bulgarian citizenship Law” from 1999 or not ? Bulgarian citizenship. The privileges and harms of citizenship. Foreigners and Bulgarian citizenship. We will find out all this below. Let’s first clarify the concept ofContinue Reading

Bulgarian parliament

At the end of last year, the Bulgarian Council of Ministers has proposed certain amendments to the Law for Bulgarian Citizenship. Among some other minor changes, the most important proposals were related to the array of investment instruments that would allow the candidate to obtain Bulgarian citizenship. The investment instrumentsContinue Reading