Bulgarian vs EU citizenship

With the new year, the conditions for the applicants for Bulgarian investment citizenship have become (once again) more difficult to comply with. What was perfectly fine in 2019 and 2020, will be now considered as “unacceptable”. Today we will discuss one very important situation and will try to show howContinue Reading

Ekaterina Zaharieva

Our clients who have purchased Bulgarian government bonds can now visit Bulgaria without the standard covid-19 restrictions We all know about the restrictions imposed by the governments around the world with the aim to stop the spread of covid-19. Bulgaria is also not an exception. The strict measures (ie banContinue Reading

Bulgarian CIP

In fact, did the Bulgarian Citizenship by Investment Program (Bulgarian CIP) ever existed? No matter how stupid this question may sound to the ones in the knowing, its being asked more and more in the recent months. Since the end of 2018, news are being spread around the world thatContinue Reading