Bulgarian Citizenship
"I am a citizen of the world." - Sylvia Beach
Obtaining Bulgarian citizenship, pretty much like any other EU citizenship, isn’t an easy task. But getting a Bulgarian passport will prove to be your best investment ever. Bulgarian citizenship provides unlimited living rights in the EU and a huge number of visa-free countries for you to visit. Even if you don’t change your country of residence, having secured EU citizenship will mean a lot for you. Safety, stability and peace of mind, just to name a few. You will know that you can always relocate to 30+ European countries, without any formalities. The only thing you will need is a one-way ticket to any EU member state and your Bulgarian passport. But obtaining the sacred passport, as we wrote above, is not as easy as many would hope. Luckily for you, with our assistance, getting Bulgarian citizenship becomes a feasible undertaking.
The information that you will find on Bulgarian-citizenship.org is your ultimate guide on how to obtain Bulgarian citizenship. We provide full assistance for all available options to obtain Bulgarian passport. Whether you are of Bulgarian origin, or you believe you may be considered for special merits citizenship, our lawyers will assist you accordingly. The Bulgarian citizenship law is the legal act that our lawyers have mastered to perfection. And now you can use our expertise to your advantage.
Advantages of the Bulgarian citizenship
- Bulgaria needs good new citizens
- Bulgarian citizenship for merits – the hot ticket in 2022
- The rich History of the Bulgarian State
We can help you to completely transform your lifestyle by providing you the opportunity to obtain the ultimate status tool – the EU passport. Virtually all our valued clients didn’t simply obtain the freedom to travel visa-free worldwide. They didn’t simply got the right to reside anywhere in the EU and beyond. They have also significantly increased their business revenues, because of better perception of their businesses as originating in the EU. If you have the resources – we have the tools to change your life forever. Please read more about us and what we can do for you.
Constantly researching the legal framework in Bulgaria
Nothing is more important for the successful citizenship application, than the good knowledge of the legal framework. And we are proud to say that our lawyers are the best in Bulgaria in the field of the Bulgarian citizenship. We believe that no other legal company can match our expertise and our success rate. Still, we always stress that obtaining Bulgarian citizenship is difficult. There are many stages and we are dependent on many governmental bodies before the citizenship decree is issued. That’s why we are trying to ensure that our relation with the state authorities are always flawless.
The close cooperation with the relevant state authorities, such as the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is the client’s guarantee for the successive processing of the citizenship application. Once all the formalities and conditions are met in full conformity with the Bulgarian laws, the office of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria (and more precisely the vice-president) is the responsible body to issue the citizenship decree.
The main routes to Bulgarian citizenship
Citizenship by origin
There are many foreigners of Bulgarian origin, living abroad. These are mainly in Serbia, North Macedonia, Albania, Moldova, Ukraine, Russia, and Turkey. They are in general eligible to obtain Bulgarian citizenship. Please be advised however that proving your Bulgarian origin is not as easy as it may sound. Read more about citizenship by origin.
Citizenship by birth
Obtaining citizenship by birth is another option. Still, this is not as straightforward as in some other countries, for example the USA. Bulgarian citizenship by birth is granted only in some specific situations, rather than to everyone, born on Bulgarian soil. Read more about citizenship by birth.
Investment citizenship via the Golden Visa route
After Bulgaria joined the Schengen area on 31.03.2024, the Bulgarian residence permit became a true “Golden Visa”. The true beauty of the Bulgarian program is that it gives also a clear path to true EU citizenship. Read more about the Bulgarian Golden Visa.
Citizenship through standard naturalisation
When there are no shorter options, citizenship can be obtained through standard naturalisation. This often involves holding residence permit in Bulgaria for some time. This time can vary greatly and is subject to the applicant’s particular circumstances. Read more about citizenship through standard naturalisation.
Citizenship for special merits
This route to Bulgarian passport is definitely the most desired since the demise of the investment citizenship programs in the EU. The applicant obtains Bulgarian citizenship almost instantly without any additional requirements, apart from the only, but most important one – to be of benefit to the Bulgarian state. Read more about special merits citizenship.
Other ways to obtain citizenship
There are also some options to get naturalised in Bulgaria by applying a combination of legal techniques, to shorten the timeline. These options require comprehensive legal techniques. Please contact us for details.
What makes the Bulgarian citizenship so different?

Non-island country
Bulgaria is a non-island country and this is not to be underestimated. Small tiny island states are well known for “selling” citizenship to shady “investors” and this has ruined the reputation of their passports.

Lowest taxation in the EU
Bulgaria applies the lowest tax rates in the whole EU. Namely, all individuals, as well as companies, are taxed at 10% flat rate with many types of incomes being completely exempted of any tax.

Extremely robust economy
Bulgaria enjoys sustainable economic growth and international recognition by all major credit rating agencies. This ensures the country’s favourable exposure to all international financial markets.

History dating back to 5000 BC
Few are those who know which country is the oldest in Europe. Founded officially in 681 AD, Bulgaria is not only the oldest European country, but also the only one to have never changed its name.