VD&A - Murphy's war for Bulgarian citizenship

American investor determined to get justice in Bulgaria An US investor is suing the Bulgarian parliament for damages, due to the controversial decision of the deputies to abruptly close the CIP, with retroactive effect. Our lawyers have already filed the claim for the amount of almost: One million Bulgarian LevaContinue Reading

Bulgarian passport by investment - 2021 special provisions

Why some lucky investors will still get Bulgarian citizenship by investment As you probably all know, the true Bulgarian Citizenship by Investment program was seriously altered in 2021 and then cancelled in 2022. These legislative moves were in full coordination with the “war on investment citizenship” by the EU andContinue Reading

Xilagani - Greece

Amendments of the Bulgarian Citizenship Law After the amendments of the citizenship law of 2021, the procedures to obtain Bulgarian citizenship by origin (see here and here) were significantly changed. Many customers who have applied for Bulgarian citizenship by origin prior to 2021 were left at the mercy of theContinue Reading

girl holding Bulgarian passport

EU citizenship – the most powerful freedom tool in the world There are many ranking methods used to determine the strength of the world’s passports. Most of these methods take in consideration the number of visa-free countries one can visit with particular passport. No matter what these ranking may show,Continue Reading

terminated citizenship part 2

Continued from Investment citizenship application terminated (part 1). This article is about the possibility to claim financial compensation for damages for cancelled citizenship by investment applications. As result of the mass legal actions by large number of investors, we firmly believe that some of the legal amendments of 2022 willContinue Reading

special merits Bulgarian citizenship

How to obtain citizenship for merits in Bulgaria in 2022 Bulgarian citizenship for special merits becomes the hot ticket in 2022 This is largely due to the uncertain future of the investment citizenship in Bulgaria and the EU. It also appeared that Bulgaria has lately issued more passports for meritsContinue Reading

from Bulgarian to Portugal citizenship

The new Bulgarian government – not in favor of the citizenship by investment program Bulgaria has experienced turbulent political times in 2021-2022. After three consecutive parliamentary elections in 2021, the country has finally approved new government. As Prime Minister was appointed Mr Kiril Petkov. Being young and prosperous Harvard graduate,Continue Reading

Bulgarian passports - unfinished

When the applications for Bulgarian citizenship get usually delayed? Most often, there are two main instances when the Bulgarian citizenship procedures may be stalled. These are namely the citizenship by investment (CBI) and citizenship by origin. Let’s see what the problems may be with the two. Bulgarian CBI Trapped betweenContinue Reading