Bulgarian citizenship for children born abroad

Problems with Bulgarian citizenship for children of mixed marriages Naturalisation or registration? Today we will look at a serious problem in the Bulgarian legislation. We will examine the case when a child has parents – a Bulgarian citizen and a foreigner. The child does not acquire Bulgarian citizenship immediately afterContinue Reading

Violeta Dobrinova - a girl holding Bulgarian passport

The Law on the Bulgarian citizenship in English – now available on our website The Bulgarian citizenship law is the most important legal act that regulates the way Bulgarian citizenship can be acquired. It also regulates the legalities of losing citizenship. The Bulgarian citizenship law is legally binding only inContinue Reading

Bulgarian citizenship application stopped

What if your Bulgarian citizenship application seems to be stalled? Today we will discuss the situation of many Bulgarian citizenship applicants. What happens is that the citizenship applicant submits his documents, goes through the citizenship interview and then everything goes to a dead end. The Bulgarian citizenship application is stalled.Continue Reading