When the applications for Bulgarian citizenship get usually delayed?
Most often, there are two main instances when the Bulgarian citizenship procedures may be stalled. These are namely the citizenship by investment (CBI) and citizenship by origin. Let’s see what the problems may be with the two.
Bulgarian CBI
Trapped between the old and the new Bulgarian citizenship by investment programs
Many citizenship investors are currently trapped in a complicated situation. They have initially applied for Bulgarian citizenship by investment under the old laws (pre-March 2021). Some of them have even obtained their permanent residence as per the old legislation. But now, after the legal amendments of March 2021, the new CBI program foresees different investment options than the old one. So what should they do now? Make the second investment as per the old law? Or make the second investment as per the new 2021 law?
There is no ready answer to the question above. When there is legal vacuum, as is the case now, each and every case has to be considered individually. One should first consider the grandfather clauses of the new law. The other important factor is when (and if) the applicant has obtained visa D and/or permanent residence status. This is of course only the top of the iceberg. There are many other factors that will need to be evaluated in order to know how to proceed further.
Bulgarian citizenship by origin
The amendments of the citizenship Law of March 2021 have also changed a lot for the people with Bulgarian origin. It is now possible to go back three generations in order to qualify for citizenship. This is obviously a good news, as previously the law was too vague and basically less beneficial to the people with Bulgarian origin.
The Court route
Unfortunately, there are cases when the only option to proceed further is through the Bulgarian Court. Our lawyers are probably the only ones in the country, capable of bringing the case of the client to a successful resolution.
The devil is in the details however. The new law has its own controversies. On top of that, proving Bulgarian origin is difficult. Many foreigners, believing to be of Bulgarian origin, start the procedure with a lot of enthusiasm. Unfortunately, they soon realize that proving their origin and obtaining citizenship is time consuming and costly as well. So they give up. But after some time, they realize that an EU passport is worth a lot, certainly the effort to prove their origin. But in the meantime the process is stuck and they have no clue how to proceed further. And even if they know their way, more or less, they fall back in the same trap of bureaucracy and high costs.
The solution
The solution of the problem is very simple indeed. One has to tackle the procedure professionally and with adequate legal support.
Most of the unsuccessful citizenship applications are not because the applicant has been rejected – it’s because he has given up. And it’s a shame.
In case your Bulgarian citizenship application has been initiated and is now in the middle of nowhere, we suggest you to contact us asap. It may be so that your case is hopeless, but you better know it. Chances are high however that you may become Bulgarian so fast that you have never hoped for.