Bulgarian citizenship for children born abroad

Problems with Bulgarian citizenship for children of mixed marriages Naturalisation or registration? Today we will look at a serious problem in the Bulgarian legislation. We will examine the case when a child has parents – a Bulgarian citizen and a foreigner. The child does not acquire Bulgarian citizenship immediately afterContinue Reading

Bulgarian citizenship application stopped

What if your Bulgarian citizenship application seems to be stalled? Today we will discuss the situation of many Bulgarian citizenship applicants. What happens is that the citizenship applicant submits his documents, goes through the citizenship interview and then everything goes to a dead end. The Bulgarian citizenship application is stalled.Continue Reading

Xilagani - Greece

Amendments of the Bulgarian Citizenship Law After the amendments of the citizenship law of 2021, the procedures to obtain Bulgarian citizenship by origin (see here and here) were significantly changed. Many customers who have applied for Bulgarian citizenship by origin prior to 2021 were left at the mercy of theContinue Reading

Citizenship vs Subjection

Have we benefited from the “evolution” of the “Law of Bulgarian subjection” from 1940 to the current “Bulgarian citizenship Law” from 1999 or not ? Bulgarian citizenship. The privileges and harms of citizenship. Foreigners and Bulgarian citizenship. We will find out all this below. Let’s first clarify the concept ofContinue Reading

girl holding Bulgarian passport

EU citizenship – the most powerful freedom tool in the world There are many ranking methods used to determine the strength of the world’s passports. Most of these methods take in consideration the number of visa-free countries one can visit with particular passport. No matter what these ranking may show,Continue Reading

slow Bulgarian citizenship interview

“Citizenship and Investments” LTD at the frontline, defending the rights of (future) Bulgarian citizens We are proud to be deeply involved in the resolving of the problems with the interview slots for the applications for Bulgarian citizenship. You can read more at: Interviews for Bulgarian citizenship – huge delays (unacceptable)Continue Reading