The role of fate in successful stories
Nice business tales usually happen unexpectedly, as a result of some happy coincidence. Like the story of the inventor of the world’s most famous jeans, Levi Strauss, for example. At the age of 18, he emigrated to the United States because at that time, in his native Germany (mid-19th century), Jews weren’t allowed to engage in trade or even agriculture.
In the US, luck hits him during the so-called “gold rush”. But not from gold mining, but from the fabric trade. He loaded a fabric ship to San Francisco that sold out on the way. Only a handful of indigo blue tent cloths are left. Then Levi decides he can use the sturdy fabric to sew durable and comfortable pants for the gold diggers. The legend became complete in 1872 when Jacob Davis invented the metallic copper rivets that reinforced the cut of the trousers. The world’s most famous jeans brand is born.
Our story, of course, is not so impressive. But there are some similarities. In it, the main driving force is immigration and the desire for a better future somewhere in a more secure place around the world.
The facts
In October 2018, a client of the Citizenship by Investment Program in Bulgaria and the legal consulting firm VD&A, made his initial investment for Bulgarian citizenship. The program offers him three investment options: in units of Bulgarian companies on the stock exchange; in Bulgarian state bonds; or in a trust account with a Bulgarian bank. The client preferred the option with the Bulgarian state bonds. By law, he made his first investment in the program of BGN 1 million. As a result, the hero of our story received a permanent residence permit in Bulgaria. Once more, by law, he is yet to make his second investment, again at the amount of BGN 1 million… But something happened between the two investments. And that’s the main point in our history. And what happened is that to date, the client’s profit from the purchased state bonds has already amounted to $95,000.
Perhaps the main conclusion in our story is: fate loves the brave. This immigrant, who risked everything to settle in a slightly better place to live with his family, receives his repayment. The Citizenship by Investments Program (fast-track) once grants him Bulgarian (European) citizenship. And the second time – the return on investment from the possession of Bulgarian state bonds and the movement of their price.
Call on VD&A experts if you want to become a CIP client.