Frequently Asked Questions about the Bulgarian Citizenship by Investment program

We urge you to first read the detailed description of the conditions and the legalities of the Bulgarian investment citizenship program. Then read the special section with all updates and commentaries of the program.

If you still have questions, please scroll down to see if they haven’t been already answered. The questions below are as they have been asked originally by our clients. If don’t find the answer that you are looking for, please contact us for further assistance.


Frequently Asked Questions


Hello, my son is 28yo and daughter is 15. I know she can get Bulgarian citizenship after I do, but how about the son? Can we apply for him with my funds after I get my passport first?


All of your children, no matter the age, will become Bulgarian citizens after you get your passport. No need to worry for your son.


My agent told me that the Bulgarian program for investment is cancelled. Is that so?


Definitely not! The Bulgarian citizenship by investment program was even revamped in March 2021. It is now the only EU program that provides the option to get Golden Passport. Please stay tuned about all particularities and updates of the new 2021 program. Be sure to bookmark it and to check it regularly.


Can I get citizenship without actually living in Bulgaria and if yes how fast??


The Bulgarian investment citizenship program doesn’t require you to reside in Bulgaria neither prior to obtaining citizenship nor afterwards. So the answer to your question is YES.

The law stipulates that you can apply for Bulgarian citizenship 12 months after you receive permanent residency (for which you can apply without any waiting time). All in all, with the administrative formalities, you can expect an overall procedure of roughly 14 to 18 months.


I have been offered Bulgarian passport for $5000 and within 3 months. Why should I invest millions?


This “offer” comes with a sentence of up-to 8 years according to the penal code.

You have been obviously been offered a fake passport and you should immediately inform the authorities and provide them full details. Please read more at


Hi, I have heard that Bulgaria doesn’t allow dual citizenship? Is this true? I am asking more precisely for the investment program. Thanks.


The citizenship by investment program allows dual (or multiple) citizenship. You can read very interesting article on the topic at


I would like to invest in bulgarian citizenship options but 1st of all would like to know once I become a Bulgarian permanent resident can I travel and work in Europe when needed as an eu citizen before I become a Bulgarian citizen, also once I become a Bulgarian citizen can my parents become bulgarian citizens. Also as a permanent resident of bulgaria will I have all EU rights
Thank you


You are making one very frequent mistake, namely trying to put an equal sign between citizenship and residency. The two provide completely different status and you should not even try to compare them.

To your question – when you become permanent resident, you will be not allowed to work and travel freely within the EU (as EU citizen). Citizens have ultimate rights within the EU, while residents don’t. Don’t be fooled by different “golden visa” schemes (ie Portugal, Greece) that will promote as “providing the same rights as EU citizenship” – this is not true. The good news for you is that your residency status is for 12 months only (in case you want to apply for citizenship), after which you will become full EU citizen with all the bells and whistles.

As to your parents, they will be not able to obtain Bulgarian citizenship after you obtain your passport. The other way around would be possible though. So you may consider making an application for one of your parents and then obtain citizenship yourself as having one Bulgarian parent.

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