Online event for our customers in the USA

Due to high demand by our existing and prospective clients for Bulgarian citizenship by investment, we will be organizing a web event via zoom on 04.07.2021. There will be three panels, led by our moderator, each with 5 participants (not counting the moderator), as follows:

  • 1st panel – 9:30h EDT;
  • 2nd panel – 10:30h EDT;
  • 3rd panel – 11:30h EDT.

The panel is intended for citizens of the USA, who are planning to apply for Bulgarian citizenship by investment. The event is also suited for US customers who believe to be of Bulgarian origin and want to obtain citizenship on this basis. The emphasis however will be on investment citizenship.

What will be discussed during the event

The participants will have the opportunity to ask all their questions during the webinar. Still, the following topics will be the main subject of the discussions:

  1. How were the Bulgarian foreigners law ant the law on the Bulgarian citizenship changed in March 2021?
  2. Are the good old government bonds still available as investment option to obtain Bulgarian citizenship?
  3. What are Exchange Traded Funds (ETF)? Are they risky or not?
  4. Investment in Bulgarian shares and corporate bonds; why is the requirement for these instruments doubled?
  5. Can you invest in Bulgarian real estate and get citizenship by investment?
  6. How about investment in gold through an ETF, is it possible?
  7. Investment in Bulgarian business; why is the investment requirement so low? Is it risky or not?
  8. How to invest in alternative investment funds (AIFs)? The difference with ETF;
  9. How to avoid being scammed by unscrupulous “agents” offering Bulgarian citizenship by investment?
  10. Taxation issues after (if) relocating to the EU;
  11. The children of the main applicant, can they get Bulgarian citizenship?
  12. New regulation for the spouse of the main applicant; now easier to get citizenship after the March amendments;
  13. Driving license in Bulgaria; how to get one even before obtaining citizenship?
  14. Bulgarian passport, how to check whether it is genuine? What if your passport was delivered to you by your “agent”? What are the risks?
  15. The citizenship interview; formality or an important step during the procedure?

How to participate

The online event is intended for citizens and residents of the USA only. To participate, please liaise with your usual contact from our company or email directly at

All applications to participate in the event will be handled on fist-come-first-serve basis. VD&A gold club members will be served with priority as well as members of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce.

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