Bulgarian citizenship for children born abroad

Problems with Bulgarian citizenship for children of mixed marriages Naturalisation or registration? Today we will look at a serious problem in the Bulgarian legislation. We will examine the case when a child has parents – a Bulgarian citizen and a foreigner. The child does not acquire Bulgarian citizenship immediately afterContinue Reading

dual citizenship Hong Kong

Hong Kong residents en masse seek dual citizenship for themselves and their families! The case of the 12-year-old girl is an emanation of what has been happening in Hong Kong for the last 1 year. It also answers the question of why the influx of applications for second citizenship inContinue Reading

dual citizenship bulgaria

What are the opportunities for dual citizenship with Bulgaria? This is a matter that is of great interest to most foreign nationals living in Bulgaria or having long-term interests related to the country. The Bulgarian passport opens virtually unlimited visa-free travel opportunities across the EU, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea,Continue Reading

second citizenship

Sociologists, economists and political scientists agree that today we live in an unstable “risk society”. The processes occurring in the post-Soviet space and the rising trade war between China and the United States, inevitably lead to the fact that wealthy people, seeking to ensure a comfortable and safe future forContinue Reading

Recently, one of the largest Russian sites for migration issues, publishes material for Bulgarian Citizenship by Investment Program. For the unfamiliar we will briefly explain. “Citizenship by Investment” is a program available only from several European countries (which can be counted on the fingers of one hand). Bulgaria has beenContinue Reading