Why Bulgarian passport is among the best?
This probably sounds heretical to a Francophone or a Western European. But the realities at the moment are just that. No matter how you look at it – geopolitically, strategically, economically, politically and especially from the point of view of your personal security – the Bulgarian passport guarantees you much more security anywhere in the world (including in France – as scandalous as it sounds) .
Why does the Bulgarian passport guarantee you more security and peace of mind when traveling than the French one?
We live in an uncertain world where terrorism is a sad reality. The first war in Iraq. Then the second. The War in Afghanistan. The War in Syria… All these international conflicts have paved the way for the warriors of fear and evil who do not recognize borders. And the mighty armies of NATO are failing to deal with this unconventional threat. In all these conflicts, from 1990 until today, France has taken an active part. Decent behavior for a worthy ally. But this has created dangerous enemies for the country and its citizens. France is one of the countries hardest hit by terrorism. And French citizens cannot feel safe anywhere in the world. Especially in the Middle East and the Arab world.
Bulgaria – the principles of neutrality
Bulgaria is a small state even according to European measures. The country is a member of the EU and NATO. In most cases, however, Bulgaria professes the principle of neutrality. Over the last decade, Bulgaria has been trying to play the role of mediator. Both on the Balkan Peninsula and in the Middle East. This brought the country many dividends. Bulgaria enjoys the trust of, in general, all major players on the geopolitical map. It is no coincidence that Bulgaria has become a major tourist destination. Apart from the great sea and mountain resorts at attractive prices, Bulgaria offers something very important to the tourists who visit it: security.
That is why Bulgarian citizens travel safely anywhere in the world. The combination of security and the benefits of EU membership is an attractive combination for those wishing to obtain a gold passport for the „Old Continent“.
What are the advantages of a Bulgarian passport?
1. Visa-free travel to over 160 countries around the world.
This is the real freedom – to be able to travel freely at any time and anywhere in the world. The Bulgarian passport can provide it for you.
Did you know that…(?)
The Bulgarian program Citizenship by Investment (a.k.a. golden passport) is the only one in the EU? After the suspension of the relevant programs in Malta and Cyprus, this is the only legally working program in the European Union offering a fast-track Citizenship (14-18 months).
2. The lowest fees and taxes in the EU.
Bulgarian state has for many years been oriented towards attracting foreign investments and maintains a 10% flat income tax, both for individuals and companies. That is why many foreign companies opened their offices and moved their activities to Bulgaria. The same goes for wealthy businessmen from all over the world who have acquired Bulgarian citizenship for the same reason.
3. Clear and transparent rules and procedures for applying for an EU golden passport.
Bulgarian citizenship is equivalent to a European goldеn passport. You get the full package of rights and benefits that allows EU citizenship in any other Member State (such as France, for example).
How to get an EU goldеn passport?
Use one of the phones, email or chat on our contact page to link with us and our employee with pleasure and friendly attitude will provide you with all the necessary information on how to apply for Bulgarian citizenship = EU Golden Passport. Call us.