The scam
Have you heard offers like this one:
“Bulgaria has new law and now you have to invest not a million, but a two million Euro to get citizenship. Or maybe one million and a half. But now you have the unique opportunity to skip the investment altogether. Just pay us $250 000 and you don’t have to make any investment under the new law.“
Your ticket to jail
So what do you think this is? A legitimate offer? A way to get Bulgarian golden passport? No, this is your ticket to jail! And take our word for that, you won’t like it there. For God’s sake – stay away from any such offerings. We have been warning you already many times (please read New wave of Citizenship scams in 2021!!! and Bulgarian passport and ID card, are they fake?) about the different schemes that scammers are utilizing to defraud you. But the scammers are striking again! We are hearing from many of our clients, especially those in the UAE, about new wave of “pay and don’t invest” scams. Please be sure, these are illegal! You will never get citizenship. The authorities are very well aware of these scams and you may be criminally prosecuted! Even for trying this route. Take our word for that. We have seen too many lives ruined. You will not only lose your money, but your sleep and eventually your freedom.
And what if you have been defrauded already?
If you have already “signed” for such an offer, don’t wait a single day anymore. If you are located in the United Arab Emirates, we urge you to contact the Bulgarian embassy (Jumeira Road, Villa 18, Dubai, P.O. Box 72535, tel.: +971 4 3442419), provide them all details and kindly ask them to contact us. You can also contact us for assistance directly or through the penal department of VD&A.