address in Bulgaria

The importance of ultimate legal compliance for each and every Bulgarian citizenship by investment application Bulgarian address – prerequisite to obtain Bulgarian Citizenship by Investment Bulgarian citizenship by investment application implies having permanent residency in the country. The right to reside permanently in Bulgaria requires from the applicant to haveContinue Reading

girl holding Bulgarian pasport

The huge difference between citizenship and residency. Something that is often being neglected. Citizenship from all over the world have been marketing for decades citizenship for investment programs of tiny Caribbean countries (isles) and more recently, citizenship of Malta and Cyprus (EU citizenship). So far so good. The business climateContinue Reading

Hong Kong - hand

Our representative office in Hong Kong – the legal small print The process of obtaining Bulgarian Citizenship by Investment is comprehensive procedure that requires investment in Bulgarian equities, listed on the Bulgarian stock exchange or in Bulgarian state bonds (ie Eurobonds). In its core, becoming Bulgarian citizen is a processContinue Reading

a girl and a shark

There is always danger for those who are afraid. George Bernard Shaw The Bulgarian Citizenship by Investment Program is definitely the hot ticket since 2014-2015 – a fact, which we were made to fully realize. Nowadays, we are being approached on daily basis by agents and lawyers from all over the world,Continue Reading

fake news

Misunderstanding is generally simpler than true understanding, and hence has more potential for popularity. Raheel Farooq There is a lot of misleading information about the Bulgarian Citizenship by Investment Program that that is to be found everywhere – from internet forums to glossy magazines. From our experience, we estimate that about 80%Continue Reading

Bulgarian parliament

Sometimes you need a little crisis to get your adrenaline flowing and help you realize your potential. Jeannette Walls “Citizenship and Investments” LTD is actively engaged in the ongoing discussions on State level of the proposed draft for amendment of the Bulgarian Citizenship Law. The amendments are likely to limit the investmentContinue Reading

Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. Leo Tolstoy On 01.04.2019, the influential Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry published an open letter from the Association of Employers’ Organizations in Bulgaria to the Bulgarian government, criticizing harshly the plans to amend the Bulgarian citizenship laws andContinue Reading

Bulgarian parliament building

Let them be what they want to be. Make yourselves what you want to be. Harshvardhan Malpani Most of the “would be candidates” for Bulgarian and EU citizenship by Investment have been horribly bothered since the start of 2019. All the worries came from the rumours that the Bulgarian governmentContinue Reading