Important news!

Applicants for Bulgarian citizenship by investment gather at the Cannes’ iconic Martinez hotel

Following the 2022 amendments in the Bulgarian citizenship law, that basically halted the investment citizenship applications, investors from all over the world have decided to legally seek their rights.

Conference at the Cannes, France

We will be organizing an event conference at the famous Hotel Martinez at the Cannes. There, our lawyers will meet investors who have been stuck with their citizenship applications. We hope to be able to hold the event on October 3rd or October 4th. We should be able to meet maximum of ten citizenship investors, due to limitations at the venue and the tight schedule of our lawyers. All details are still to be confirmed and will be communicated to the interested applicants.

At the event, our lawyers will be discussing and explaining the latest developments with regard to the interpretation of the law by the Bulgarian courts. Special attention will be directed at the current court practice and new information from the Constitutional Court.

To pre-book your participation

If you want to book your participation in the event, please liaise with your usual contact from our organization. All requests will be served on first-come-firs-serve basis, except for VD&A Gold Club members, who will be prioritized.

1 Comment

  1. Hi,
    Regarding termination of citizenship application, has any citizenship investor got relief from Supreme Court or Constitutional Court yet to resume his/her application.

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